Helpful multiplication anchor chart & resources!

My fourth grade students are studying multiplication in their classes. To support them, I spend a few minutes at the beginning of our intervention session to review what they already know about multiplication. 

This helps my students in many ways. It activates their prior knowledge of multiplication. Back in second and third grade, they were exposed to skip counting, making equal groups, repeated addition, arrays, fact families, and basic facts. Because they're kids and kids forget things, it really helps to have a chart to see it ALL again in one place! 

So, I made this anchor chart to show them how much they already know about multiplication and how it builds from grade to grade. I showed them what they will be learning to do in fourth grade like the different methods for 2-digit by 2-digit plus the algorithm. 

I got a lot of aha's, oh's, and nods when I was reviewing the chart. That was cool! 

Here's the anchor chart. Get inspired, grab some markers, and feel free to copy whatever you see and like about this chart :) 

P.S. Yes, that is a wooden pant hanger from IKEA that I use to hang up my anchor charts!

Are you teaching multiplication or looking for more practice? Here are some resources! 
