What's a Level 4 Math Project?

Hey there! I've been missing in action because my kiddos have been under the weather, I caught everything from my students, and this time of year is really busy in schools. But, I'm back, feeling better (lots of vitamin C) and here blogging away!

So, what is a Level 4 Math Project and what does it look like?

Let me give you some context first. My current school is part of the Marzano's High Reliability Schools. In a nutshell, Marzano's framework isn't just some new school initiative. It's more about showing us how best practices work together because so many of us (schools and teachers) are already practicing research-based strategies! The framework puts it all together. 

There are five levels of reliability a school must attain. It's a process, but totally worth it! 

Here are the increasing levels of reliability:
1. Safe and Collaborative Culture
2. Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
3. Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
4. Standards-Referenced Reporting
5. Competency-Based Education 

If this interests you, definitely check out this website. Marzano High Reliability Schools
By the way, my school has attained 3 levels! Woohoo! 

Now, I am going to share an example of our curriculum work pertaining to Math Scales and Level 4 Math Projects.

Here's a 4th grade math Texas standard:  
4.6D classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. 
(Readiness Standard)

After we pre-tested our students with a teacher-created assessment addressing the standard, we had a handful of students who demonstrated mastery. These students are a Level 4 according to our Scale. To a kid, it means I got it and I can teach it or apply it in new ways! These students are now eligible to complete a Level 4 Project/PBL (Project-based Learning) opportunity!

Sometimes, it's not easy to think of Level 4 Math Projects. This is when collaboration with other teachers needs to happen. Bounce ideas off each other! Another teacher and I came up with a Level 4 Project where the students designed t-shirts, bumper stickers, and mugs with geometry puns. Students had an opportunity to have fun with math vocabulary and attributes. They showed us their sophisticated understanding of 2-D figures!

Here's an example of one of our student's Level 4 work.

Hilarious, right? So clever! We were so AMAZED by her project and we totally got her puns and jokes. When asked how she felt about the project, she emphatically answered, "Sooo awesome!" 

Hope this inspires you to think outside the square! LOL Have fun with your Level 4 Math Projects! 
